Kidney Infection Signs & Symptoms You Should NEVER Ignore | Acute Pyelon...

What is Acute Pyelonephritis?

Acute pyelonephritis refers to a bacterial infection and inflammation of the kidney. It is a relatively common condition affecting the kidneys, often caused by an ascending urinary tract infection (UTI), also known as cystitis. In some cases, a UTI progresses upward through the urinary tract, ultimately infecting and inflaming the kidneys.

Certain groups are more at risk of developing pyelonephritis, including women, pregnant individuals, and those with recurrent kidney stones.

Symptoms of Kidney Infection

The symptoms of acute pyelonephritis typically appear within hours or over the course of a day. Here are the most common signs and symptoms:

  1. Flank Pain

    • Flank pain is a hallmark symptom, felt on one side of the back near the bottom edge of the rib cage, where the kidneys are located.
    • This pain may also be referred to as costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness, which clinicians can detect by gently tapping this area.
  2. Fever and Chills

    • As a kidney infection is bacterial in nature, it often causes fever and chills.
  3. Nausea and Vomiting

    • These symptoms frequently occur due to the severity of the infection. Patients often feel very unwell and may experience reduced appetite (anorexia), compounding their discomfort.
  4. Hematuria (Blood in the Urine)

    • Hematuria, which can be microscopic or macroscopic, is a common finding. In most cases, blood in the urine is not visible to the naked eye but can be detected through a urine test. This occurs due to irritation caused by the infecting organisms. Hematuria is more common in females and affects about 30–40% of patients with pyelonephritis.
  5. Abdominal Pain

    • Abdominal pain, including epigastric pain (above the belly button) or lower abdominal pain, may occur. This can sometimes result from referred pain from the kidney or an associated UTI.
  6. Urinary Symptoms

    • Symptoms related to an underlying UTI may accompany pyelonephritis, such as:
      • Dysuria: Pain or burning sensation during urination.
      • Urinary Urgency: A frequent urge to urinate.
      • Urinary Frequency: Frequent urination with small volumes, even when the bladder is empty.

Rare and Severe Complications

In severe cases, complications can arise, including:

  • Bacteremia: Bacteria entering the bloodstream, potentially causing systemic infection.
  • Sepsis or Septic Shock: A life-threatening response to infection, potentially leading to organ dysfunction.
  • Acute Renal Failure: Damage to the kidney that reduces its function.


Kidney infections or acute pyelonephritis present with a range of symptoms, from flank pain and fever to nausea, vomiting, and urinary issues. Early recognition and treatment are essential to prevent severe complications, such as sepsis or kidney failure.

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