How to Treat Bleeding Hemorrhoids

The main cause for hemorrhoids to bleed is that there was too much force exerted on the part where the hemorrhoids is located, resulting it to rupture and bleed.  Bleeding, though, among hemorrhoids, is but only natural. 

Aside from the irritation and pain, bleeding hemorrhoids also bring along with it hassles towards the person having it.  It takes a lot of effort to change under wears every now and then if the bleeding does not – for some, they wore adult diapers or sanitary napkins to prevent blood from staining their under wears. 

But, first, what is a hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoid is a bump or a swelling that occurs at the anal canal.  There are hemorrhoids that grow inside the anal opening and these are called internal hemorrhoids.  External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are hemorrhoids located outside the anal canal. 

Common causes of hemorrhoids are too much pressure on the rectal and anal areas, heredity, poor bowel movement habits, obesity, pregnancy, poor hygiene, constipation, and diarrhea.  It usually occurs when the anal area is being irritated. 

How to treat bleeding hemorrhoids?

There are lots of various ways to treat bleeding hemorrhoids. It depends on the extent of “damage” on the affected area.  Bleeding hemorrhoids should not be something to be afraid of (this is usually the case among people who are scared on the sight of blood) because there are easy treatments for it.  One should take into mind that the most likely reason for hemorrhoids to bleed is that there are some tissues inside the anus that were torn (usually brought by too much bleeding). 

There are three (3) types of bleeding hemorrhoids:

1.  Internal hemorrhoids bleeding - These are internal hemorrhoids that have ruptured (which caused the bleeding) inside the anal canal.  In most cases, internal hemorrhoids were unnoticeable until bleeding occurs.  The person having it normally notices the occurrence of the internal hemorrhoids during a bowel movement.

2.   External hemorrhoids bleeding - External hemorrhoids are those hemorrhoids that occur outside the anal canal.  It usually protrudes from the anus especially during bowel movement.  Bleeding external hemorrhoids can bring so much pain and discomfort, not to mention too much itchiness. 

3.  Thrombosed hemorrhoids bleeding - Thrombosed hemorrhoids are the most delicate and painful type of hemorrhoids.  It is when a blood clot have already occurred in the affected area and blood supply have already ceased entering the area due to the clot.  Bleeding happens when the thrombosed hemorrhoids rupture. 

All kinds of bleeding hemorrhoids require utmost attention for it to be cured.  The first step to treat bleeding hemorrhoids is to consult a doctor.  Doctors, in their own capacity, know pretty well the proper medications to treat bleeding hemorrhoids.    Serious hemorrhoids problems are usually being  treated through Ligation, Laser, Injection Sclerotheraphy, or Surgery (hemorrhoids surgery is called hemorrhoidectomy). 

There are also some methods in treating hemorrhoids at home
  • Avoid intense rubbing of the anal area.  Be gentle when cleaning it and use only mild soap
  • Drink plenty of water in a day and include high-fibered foods in your diet.  These can help soften your stool; thus, making bowel movement easier and with less strain.
  • Take a 10-20 minutes tub bath with lukewarm water several times in a day.  This can give hemorrhoids relief and aids in the healing of the affected area.
To treat bleeding hemorrhoids, it is recommended that one should know the cause of the bleeding.Does it bleed after a long hours of sitting? Does it bleed after using toilet paper in cleaning the anus? Does it bleed after extraneous activities which require too much force from below your body?Knowing the causes of the bleeding (or when does the bleeding usually occur) will also help in identifying preventive measures for hemorrhoids not to bleed.

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