Treating Hemorrhoids Naturally

It is not a hidden fact that there are really some people who are not comfortable going into consultations with a physician for their hemorrhoids problems.  Aside from the hassle of traveling back and forth to the hospital or to the doctor’s clinic, these people prefer more the natural remedy for hemorrhoids as taken by some testimonials of those people who have tried it the natural way.

Natural remedy for hemorrhoids is proven by some - even doctors - as an effective mean in treating hemorrhoids.  Natural treatments are usually applicable among small to medium sizes of hemorrhoids because the larger ones (those that complicate already to a higher level) are being rid off mostly through surgery or laser treatments.

The following are examples of natural remedy for hemorrhoids.  Some of these are already probably not being practiced nowadays.

1.  Herbal Treatments - One popular natural remedy for hemorrhoids is the use of herbal relief procedures. These are herbs that were processed in such a way that it can help soothe hemorrhoids.  It can help relieve itchiness and the burning feeling brought by hemorrhoids. A famous herb that is usually being used for treating hemorrhoids is the witch hazel (mixed with liquid, alcohol, ointment or medicated pads).  Accordingly, it can give relief to hemorrhoids by minimizing itchiness and swelling.  Another kind of herb that can be a good remedy for hemorrhoids is the sweet broom or also known as the box holly.  Sweet broom’s extract are believed to improve one’s blood circulation and help to shrink swollen tissues.  It was processed in such a way that it comes through capsule and tea form, as well as distilled to ointments and cream.   The herb horse chestnut also serves as another herbal treatment that can cure hemorrhoids.  People are being cautioned, however, not to use all parts of the herbs in the treatment - use only its barks and seeds because other parts of the plants are said to be poisonous.  Just like the sweet broom, it comes though capsule and tea form, and can also be applied through compress.  It can help for good circulation in the blood veins and can relieve swelling and inflammation.  Not all people, though, are receptive to this kind of herb since this can also have certain side effects to some people.

2.  Aromatherapy - Aromatherapy treatment is usually being done when taking hot baths or sitz baths.  A few drops of aromatherapy “ingredients” such as lavender and jasper can be added to a tub filled with lukewarm water.  Sitting in this water for 10-20 minutes several times a day can help soothe irritation and itchiness.

3.  Healthy Diet - Another natural remedy for hemorrhoids is the use of a fiber-enriched diet.  It has been proven that fibers can help soften stool, thus, decreasing tendencies of straining during bowel movement.  Straining can put more pressure to the hemorrhoids, causing it to be further inflamed which might result to rupture and bleeding.

It is advisable to consume at least 30 grams of fibers each day.  Fibers can be found among fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

4. Water - Water is another essential element that can help soften stool.  It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

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