How to Stop Snoring?

Snoring is often due to an abnormality involving the soft tissues of the throat. It could also be due to poor sleeping position. When the nasal passages and the throat are constricted due to excessive tissue, the air inhaled and exhaled is being forced out of the narrowed passages thus resulting to snoring. Aside from that, the position of the tongue can also hinder the air that passes through the nasal passages.

Snoring problems can be mild, meaning you can stop snoring upon waking up and shifting your sleeping position. It can also be severe and in this case, you may continue snoring regardless of your sleeping position. The risks and causes of snoring may vary and some can easily be controlled while others may require stop snoring surgery. Some of the most common causes of snoring that are often within your control are as follows:

  • Overweight or being out of shape: excessive weight may result to the accumulation of fatty tissues in your neck and this may constrict your throat. Your muscles may also slack due to lack of muscle tone and this may also lead to snoring (see glycemic index diets).
  • Being a smoker: smoking may cause your muscles to relax and this may result to congested lungs and nasal passages. This may also happen to second-hand smokers.
  • Improper sleeping posture: sleeping on your back may relax your throat as well as your tongue muscles. This may cause your air passages to be blocked which may lead to snoring.

If your snoring problem is mild and is not related to sleep apnea, then you may opt for a stop snoring home remedy. Dealing with your snoring problem can help improve the quality of your life as well as the life of those who lives with you. One of the best stop snoring aids is to exercise and try to lose weight (see the glycemic index diet plan) as by doing this can help reduce the fatty tissues in your nasal passages. By doing a regular exercise and starting on a healthy diet, you will be able to improve your breathing. Another effective stop snoring solution is to stop smoking or avoid being exposed to second-hand smoke.

If you are used to sleeping on your back, this may aggravate your snoring condition. If you can, try changing your sleeping position by sleeping on either of your side. You may also use a stop snoring pillow to help maintain the position of your head while you are sleeping. There are various types of pillows designed for those who snore that are helpful in treating the problem and help to stop snoring. You should also avoid the consumption of alcoholic drinks, especially at night. Take note that alcohol can relax your muscles too much, including the muscles in your air passages. The same goes if you consume sleeping pills or tranquilizers.

How To Stop Snoring

There are certain types of foods that you should avoid consuming in order to stop snoring. This is because there are some foods that may thicken the mucus, thus resulting to drainage difficulty. A stuffy nose may also result to snoring at night as you are having difficult time breathing. Make sure to always keep your nasal passages clear using nasal decongestants or other homeopathic solutions on how to stop snoring.

If your home remedies do not work, then you should visit an otolaryngologist to answer the age old question – how do you stop snoring? If you want to opt for a stop snoring device, then make sure to consult a physician that specializes in the use of such devices. You may also be required to use CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure to keep your nasal passages clear and prevent snoring, especially when your snoring condition is severe. For other cases of snoring, surgery to stop snoring might be required, such as tonsillectomy, UPPP or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, adenoidectomy and TAP or thermal ablation palatoplasty. These surgeries are often recommended to those who snore due to physical abnormalities. In other cases, exercises to stop snoring can also be very helpful when dealing with such condition.

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