The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world where one third of all animal and plant species live. The acai berry is just one of these fruits that has been discovered in this vast region.
The Acai berry has been known to Amazonian tribes for centuries. The legend behind the discovery of the Acai berry shows an early recognition of the amazing properties found in this fruit. According to this legend, there was once a tribe that was enduring severe starvation due to rapid population growth. Because of the threat of starvation, the tribe leader, Itaki, ordered that all new babies be sacrificed. When Itaki’s own daughter, Iaca, became pregnant and gave birth, no exceptions could be made and the child was sacrificed. In her grief, the bereft woman locked herself in her hut and wouldn’t eat or drink. One night, she heard her baby’s cries, and stumbling out of her hut she came upon a vision of her lost baby laying under a palm tree. The next morning, the tribe’s people found Iaca dead beneath the tree. When they looked up, they saw clumps of blue berries. This berry became known as the Acai berry and it became the means for the tribe’s survival and continued growth. The people of Belѐm, which is the capital of the state Para in Brazil, where the Acai berry is harvested, are said to be descended from this same tribe. Even today, the Acai berry provides a large economic boost for the people of Para, Brazil.
The berry is found growing on a palm tree that is known as “The Tree of Life” to Brazilians, in recognition of the life-giving properties of its fruit. The berry itself grows in clusters similar to grapes, and it hangs from the top of the palm tree. In order to harvest it, someone must shimmy up the tree and cut the berry down. Extremely fragile, the berries’ potent benefits are only good for up to twenty-four hours after harvest. Therefore, most of the berries have to be quickly frozen or freeze-dried in order to maintain the health benefits and survive shipping.
Brazilian surfers are responsible for introducing the Acai berry to the modern world. Surfers would drink the juice of the berry because they found that it rejuvenated them and allowed them to surf even longer. Two California surfers discovered the wonders of this drink when they were surfing in Brazil. Always on the lookout for new ideas for the health industry, they decided to form a company, Sambazon, which is still on the leading edge of the Acai market today.
Once the western world started putting this fruit to the test, researchers discovered amazing qualities that led to the Acai berry being labeled as the healthiest fruit in the world. With 30 times more antioxidants than red wine, this tiny berry, which tastes like a mixture of fruit and chocolate, has taken over health industries. Everyone from Olympic athletes to cancer victims are taking advantage of the health benefits of this superfood, which is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids.
Featured in mainstream media venues such as Sports Illustrated, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Washington Post, Oprah, ABC News, NBC Today Show, and the CBS Early Show, the berry is now well-known in Western in European countries for its amazing health benefits. This publicity has catapulted the relatively unknown berry into the mainstream market. As research into the potential health benefits continues, there is sure to be even more news about this miraculous berry that packs a walloping punch.
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