Some Tips On How To Cure Piles

Any cure for piles? It’s such a pain in the hind side to suffer from hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, everyone is likely to suffer from this disorder at some point in his lifetime. In fact, hemorrhoids, by technical definition, is something that is present in all people. Hemorrhoids are defined in anatomical terms as cushions of tissue in the area between the rectum and the anus.These cushions are filled with blood vessels.

When these blood vessels are constrained to cause swelling and inflammation, this is the time when the hemorrhoids cause discomfort and pain. Hemorrhoids of this kind, otherwise called as piles, are could be caused by a number of reasons and could be treated accordingly. A qualified medical practitioner can determine the right kind of hemorrhoids or piles cure for a patient suffering from such a condition.

To determine the right kind of piles cures, a patient first has to seek medical help to find out the cause of his hemorrhoids. Generally, straining during bowel movements and putting undue pressure on the veins in the pelvic and rectal areas causes hemorrhoids. Some of the conditions that cause the enlargement of hemorrhoids include constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, and tumors in the pelvis. Being overweight is also another common cause of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are also more common to those who are advanced in age. It is the force with which the muscles in the anal canal tries to push out stool from the anal canal that is believed to likewise push the hemorrhoids outward. In elderly, the muscles and tissues that support and anchor the hemorrhoids also deteriorate, making them more predisposed to enlarged hemorrhoids or piles. Depending on which one of these conditions cause the hemorrhoidal enlargment, the right cures for piles could be prescribed.

The kind of hemorrhoidal enlargment or piles would also dictate the kind of piles cure a patient needs. There are two kinds of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.While both involve enlargement and swelling of veins in the anal canal, there are differences in their characteristics and in the symptoms that they manifest. Internal hemorrhoids may not have symptoms at all. These are those swollen veins that occur in the walls of the anal cannal.

They are generally painless as there are no pain receptors in that area of the human anatomy. You might, however, notice streaks of blood on the toilet paper or on the toilet bowl after moving your bowels if you have internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids become painful when they worsen and bulge out of the anus, especially when blood supply to the vein is cut-off due to the extreme pressure by the anal muscles.

External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are those that occur outside the anal canal. These are hardened lumps that form due to the bleeding and blood pooling of hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids come with painful swelling and itching in the rectal area. The appropriate hemorrhoid cure can be prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner depending on the cause and type of the hemorrhoid.

In the simplest cases, the cures could consist of dietary and lifestyle changes along with over-the-counter topical formulations or oral medications. Worst case scenarios would involve surgical procedures like hemorrhoidectomy and stapling to correct the condition. Other treatments for hemorrhoids that are not as invasive include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and coagulation.

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